Rick Cantu named Grand Prize Winner in the 2010 USFWS Employee Photo Contest.
24 nest boxes adopted and three bluebird trails set up and monitored throughout the season.
Friends participated in Texoma Earth Day, April 16.
Grayson-Collin Electric Coop provided poles and installed eight owl boxes at the Refuge.
Environmental Day, held May 6, for Pottsboro 4th graders.
Refuge staff began move to new building in late June.
Red River Valley Tourism Association met in new Visitor Center August 3.
First Second Saturday program held in new building, August 13.
Grand Opening, September 8, Deputy Director of Region 2, USFWS, Joy Nicholopoulos headlined event, Refuge Manager Kathy Whaley recognized Jay Noel as Refuge liaison for construction.
Native Plant Garden established by Grayson County Master Gardeners.
Nature Nook books and gifts opens along with new Visitor Center.
Youth program moves to Audio Visual Classroom; building dedicated to Friends use.
Refuge Manager Kathy Whaley was selected to attend USFWS Advance Refuge Management Academy.
October 8, winners of second annual Hagerman NWR Photo Contest announced; activity sponsored by FOH.
Photo safaris organized by FOH Nature Photo Club held April 30 and October 15.
Elevation for Lake Texoma level low for the year – 609.78’. The lowest level ever recorded was 599.94’ on March 20, 1957.
Two life members for Friends of Hagerman NWR added in 2011: Carlos and Eulalia Araoz and Jetta Operating Company, Inc.
Pair of whooping cranes visited Refuge briefly on November 17.
High on the Hawg, BBQ Dinner series, held in conjunction with the three Archery Deer Hunt weekends at Refuge.
Species reported at the 2011 Christmas Bird Count: 119 species, representing the 5th highest count ever.