While the Bald Eagle is our
national bird and the one we think of in conjunction with patriotic holidays
such as July 4th, the Bluebird is an American favorite. Three years ago several Bluebird trails at
Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge were established through the efforts of the Friends of
Monitors setting up nest box, 2011. |
In the July, 2013, edition of the
Featherless Flyer, these numbers were reported for the Nest Box Project at the Refuge, as of
June 30, for the current nesting season:
Eastern Bluebirds:
141 fledged from 32 clutches (20 clutches had five or six fledglings)
Young Eastern Bluebirds |
Chickadee: 11 fledged from 2 clutches
Tufted Titmouse:
9 fledged from 2 clutches
Wren: 16 fledged from 3 clutches
Wren: 6 fledged from 1 clutch
Warbler: 5 fledged from 1 clutch
There are a total of 54 Bluebird
nest boxes on the trails – approximately half are along Harris Creek Trail and
the remainder are divided between Meadow Pond Trail and Raasch Trail. The boxes are monitored weekly by teams of
monitors who take turns on the job, working approximately once each month
during the nesting season.
Melinda Hill, recording nest box data. (Photo by Skip Hill) |
The monitors check each box to
see if there is any activity and record what they find for each box. These results will be entered in the Cornell
Lab of Ornithology Nest Watch database at the end of the season. The monitors look to see if there is a nest, and
if so, for what species, are there eggs and how many, live young and the stage
of maturity and so on. Once one or more
eggs appear, the monitors calculate the estimated hatch date and then the fledge
date. The latter is important, the boxes
are not opened near the fledge date to avoid causing the baby birds to fledge
Young Bluebirds, about to fledge! |
Additionally, now that the daytime
temperatures are getting into the 90’s the monitors will begin recording nest
box temperatures for a series of “test” boxes along Raasch Trail. Earlier in the year, special “space” paint,
white with ceramic beads incorporated into it for insulation and reflectivity
was applied to the roof of a number of boxes, with nearby box roofs left
unpainted. The hope is that the paint
will keep the box interiors a little cooler during the dog days late in the season
and increase the number of successful hatches.
Bluebird eggs in nest box on Harris Creek Trail. |
Monitors for Harris Creek also
photograph nest box activity for the 20 people who have adopted a nest box for
the season. Box maintenance, including
removal of wasp nests, etc. is performed as needed. When a nesting cycle is completed, the box
is cleaned and made ready for another family –
Bluebirds typically have two broods and sometimes three
each season;
Carolina Wrens,
Bewick’s Wrens,
Prothonotary Warblers may have 1- 3 broods also, while the
CarolinaChickadees, and
Tufted Titmice have just one brood per season.
Fully-feathered young Carolina Chickadees. |
Just ask the monitors how much
fun it is to open a box and find a brood of newly hatched baby birds - or the
Nest Box Adopters, when they get “baby” pictures by email, as well as hikers
and birders who view the birds on the wing!
Many thanks to all who support this program of providing increased homes
for cavity nesting songbirds, especially the Bluebird, at Hagerman NWR!
anyone interested in becoming a nest box monitor for 2014, please contact us through
Friends website.