By Wayne Meyer, PhD
Hagerman NWR announced some proposed changes to the rules for boating on the
refuge. If the changes go forward,
motorless boats will be allowed to float upstream on Big Mineral Creek all year
round. Although not many people are
likely to take advantage of this opportunity, I thought I’d write about some of
my experiences on Big Mineral Creek to try to encourage a few more people to take
advantage of the new opportunity.
For many
years boating has been allowed in Big Mineral Creek from mid-March
until the end of September. In a canoe
or kayak, boats that typically draft only a few inches, it is possible to
travel more than a mile upstream. You
need only go a few hundred yards to get away from almost all people and now you
are by yourself with nature. I have
frequently been able to float quietly up to Wood Ducks and Barred Owls, much
closer than I would have been able to get on foot. A canoeist has a very different silhouette
than a standing person, so the animals tend to be less frightened. I also suspect that the animals are aware
that a canoe cannot leave the bed of the stream, so they’ll sit in a tree and
watch you go by.

There are
several species of birds that you can see more easily by boat than you ever
will by foot or on the tour route.
Black-crowned Night-herons breed on the refuge most years. They tend to feed at night and stay well
hidden during the day. We feel fortunate
if we can find a Black-crown once each summer on the weekly bird census, but I
see one almost every time I float up the creek in the summer. Wood Ducks are usually very hard to locate on
the tour route because they prefer to remain under cover unless there is a very
lucrative food source in one of the impoundments. I’ve never failed to see several Woodies on
the creek and they often flush just a little way downstream so that I can see
them multiple times if I move slowly and quietly. Each spring there are some warblers that can
be heard singing from the depths of the forest bottom that won’t come out to
the edges where non-boaters would be able to find them.
Of course,
other animals can ONLY be found along the creek bottoms because of habitat
restrictions. Last week I went up Big
Mineral to Beaver Creek and saw at least 50 river cruisers ( a family of
dragonflies) while in all my censuses this spring and summer I had not seen a
single one. The reason, of course, is
the water. River cruisers, as you should
guess from their name, tend to fly along streams and rivers and almost never
leave the shade, so they are very unlikely to be seen out on the
lakeshores. Rick Cantu has also seen
Sanddragons and Shadowdragons that will never be found away from the water and
trees (one of these years I’ll find them for myself). One of these days I’ll run into some of the
River Otters that are increasing on the refuge.
Even the plants are special; the bottomland habitat has many unique
species of plants that will not be visible if you don’t get in a boat and
One special
aspect of the refuge makes boating more interesting for me, the way things
change as the lake goes up and down. In
2007 when Lake Texoma went over the spillway at Denison Dam (642 ft.) I put in
my canoe at Big Mineral Picnic Area and floated directly over the then new
bridge over big Mineral Creek. As I went
over, I was not able to reach the guardrails with my paddle. That year I could canoe between the trees, an
experience that is truly amazing. I was
able to get upstream almost all the way to Meadow Pond, 3.6 miles of winding
paddling one way. That year there was
enough water to canoe Harris Creek for more than a mile. Last year I didn’t even bother putting in,
although there was enough water to go a short distance on Big mineral Creek.
Why don’t
you think about boating at the refuge this summer, or maybe we’ll run into each
other this winter, provided the rules changes go through. I guarantee your experience of the refuge will
be very different from the water surface than it is from the road surface.
Photo: Canoeing, by Ronnie Barron
ED NOTE: Don't miss Canoeing 101, a dry-land presentation by Aris Tsamis, from Mariner Sails, Inc., at 3 pm, Saturday, October 13 - Super Saturday at the Refuge!