Thursday, September 14, 2017

Let's Hear It for the Sunflower

Lunch Break, by Michael Sweatt
There is one wildflower that is still a standout at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge and in area fields as well, in the heat and drought of August – the Common Sunflower – Helianthus annuus. Singly or in large masses sunflowers wave their golden faces in the hot breezes; according to the Native Plant Database, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, “The heads follow the sun each day, facing eastward in the morning, westward at sunset; the name in Spanish means turns toward the sun”. Other sources report that this turning or heliotropism occurs only in the bud stage and that the flowers face east.

Sunflowers are also growing in the Butterfly Garden at Hagerman, a legacy from pre-garden days! 

Sunflower, by Jim West

The state flower of Kansas, known as the Sunflower State, Common Sunflower is said to be one of the most common wildflowers across the U. S. 

Sunflower, by Dana Crites

From the Native Plant Database, we learn that:
“The plant has been cultivated in Central North America since pre-Columbian times; yellow dye obtained from the flowers, and a black or dull blue dye from the seeds, were once important in Native American basketry and weaving. Native Americans also ground the seeds for flour and used its oil for cooking and dressing hair. In the 19th century it was believed that plants growing near a home would protect from malaria. In the United States and Eurasia seeds from cultivated strains are now used for cooking oil and livestock feed.”Common Sunflower is an annual, spreading rapidly by seed, and grows from 1-1/2 – 8’ tall. The bloom period is from July – October. Sunflowers provide cover for wildlife and many wild birds enjoy the seeds.

Phases and Stages, by Carly Pryor

NOTE: Post has been updated -  originally published  August 15, 2013.

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